Do You Have One Sided Low Back Pain Here?
This area of pain/discomfort is commonly associated with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction (SIJ dysfunction). SIJ pain is one of the most common forms of low back pain. This joint is the junction between the tailbone and the pelvis.
This joint can become painful with repetitive one-sided activities such as soccer, carrying a child on one side of the hip, golf, ect. It can also become painful if there is limited or excessive movement on one side of the joint versus the other.
Additionally, imbalances in core strength and stability (such as in your glute and abdominal muscles) can cause one side of the joint to become irritable.
The exercise shown targets core strength and stability and can be helpful in reducing symptoms in this area.
Hold for 3-5 seconds at the top of the motion. Perform between 5&10 reps depending on fatigue. Work up to 3 sets. Recommended frequency is 1x per day, 4-6 days per week.
Disclaimer: The content above is not intended to replace formal medical advice. If you are experiencing persistent, extreme pain or if this exercise increases symptoms, stop and seek guidance from a medical professional such as a physical therapist or physician.
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