Simple Hack For Improving Your Desk Chair Set Up
One of the most common complaints from clients we get in the clinic is back pain or stiffness with sitting at their desk job. This includes low back (lumbar) pain and upper/mid (thoracic) regions. This video hack will help take stress off of your back.
It’s important to note that there is no such as thing as “bad” posture. This can be a shocking statement, but hear us out! Our bodies are meant to be able to tolerate, move in and out of, and hold a variety of different postures and positions. The problem becomes when we are stuck living in one posture or position for the majority of our day, day in and out. For example, 40 hours a week sitting at our desk during work doesn’t include much variety of position throughout the day.
Our nervous systems HATE sustained positions. Our bodies were never meant to be so still, and we were designed to be moving in a variety of ways in the waking hours.
So hack number ONE is take frequent movement breaks during the day! Every 20-30 minutes, set a recurring timer to get up and move around. This could include walking around, going up and down a set of stairs, or even just walking around your desk once. These movement moments are cumulative and will benefit you over time.
Even though there is no bad position or posture, there is a more ideal way to position yourself that will reduce compressive forces through your spine, which overtime can be problematic and lead to painful conditions.
Watch this video to learn the number one hack for improving your positioning during work at your desk job!
Improve your desk chair set up to reduce back pain and stiffness