Achilles Tendinopathy
Dr. Justin Traxler Dr. Justin Traxler

Achilles Tendinopathy

Dealing with Achilles tendinopathy? Our blog covers everything you need to know about this common injury. Understand what Achilles tendinopathy is, its causes, and effective management strategies. From manual therapy techniques to specific exercises, learn how physical therapy can help you alleviate pain and get back to your favorite activities.

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Plantar Fasciitis
Dr. Justin Traxler Dr. Justin Traxler

Plantar Fasciitis

Struggling with plantar fasciitis? Our latest blog breaks down this common yet stubborn injury. Learn what plantar fasciitis is, its causes, and effective management strategies. From manual therapy techniques to at-home exercises, discover how physical therapy can help you overcome heel pain and get back to your favorite activities.

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BEGINNING steps to manage elbow pain
Dr. Justin Traxler Dr. Justin Traxler

BEGINNING steps to manage elbow pain

Struggling with elbow pain? Our latest blog offers expert advice on managing and relieving discomfort. Discover essential exercises and tips to kickstart your journey to recovery and regain optimal mobility!

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Stubborn Tennis elbow?
Dr. Justin Traxler Dr. Justin Traxler

Stubborn Tennis elbow?

Explore the causes and symptoms of tennis elbow, a common overuse injury affecting the outside of the elbow. Learn how our physical therapy clinic in Austin, TX can help manage the pain and expedite recovery.

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Need a good warmup routine for upper body day?
Dr. Justin Traxler Dr. Justin Traxler

Need a good warmup routine for upper body day?

Struggling with shoulder pain on your upper body workout days? Find relief with our recommended warm-up routine tailored by physical therapy professionals. Discover effective exercises to enhance thoracic mobility and strengthen crucial muscles like the serratus anterior, vital for shoulder stability. Read on to learn more!

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Choose PT First!
Laurel Boyd Laurel Boyd

Choose PT First!

Considering your healthcare options? Choosing Physical Therapy first could be your best decision. Here are three compelling reasons why PT should be your initial stop before consulting a surgeon or doctor.

Expertise: PTs are skilled in evaluating bodily systems, enabling tailored treatments to keep you active.

Extensive Training: With Doctorate-level education, PTs can address various conditions from pediatrics to orthopedics.

Cost-Effective: Studies show PT as an initial step can save on healthcare expenses by efficiently addressing pain and facilitating recovery.

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Electric Dry Needling
Laurel Boyd Laurel Boyd

Electric Dry Needling

Discover the power of Electrical Dry Needling. Learn what Electrical Dry Needling is and explore the science behind it, its impressive therapeutic benefits, and the conditions it can address.

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