Achilles Tendinopathy Part two

If you are here, that likely means you read Achilles Tendinopathy part one, where we dove into more of the pathology (cause) of achilles pain, the two different types, things to do and not to do. In this blog, we are going to give you 3 starting exercises to help reduce some of your achilles pain.

Fair warning, achilles rehab can be slightly boring in the beginning stages, but if done consistently and properly, will set you up for success going forward!

1) Eccentric focused calf raises:

  • Sets: 2-3

  • Reps 10-15

  • Focus: Really control the lowering phase over the course of 3-4 seconds, don’t just “drop” down

2) Single leg calf raise

  • Sets: 2-3

  • Reps: 10-15

  • Push through your big toe, don’t let your ankle roll out to the side. You can use your arms to support yourself and for balance

3) Soleus Calf Raises

  • Sets: 2-3

  • Reps: 15-25

  • Slight pause at the top of the rep, slowly lower down and don’t let your ankles roll out!

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, please seek out a Physician or a physical therapist to determine if these are appropriate for you!


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Achilles Tendinopathy